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Navigating the Future: The Resilient Workforce

By Sonya Atkins-Goodman, Founder & President In the modern workplace, staying ahead of trends is crucial for businesses to thrive. One undeniable truth is that the demand for hiring will persist, as the steady rate of quitting among employees remains status quo....


Navigating the Future: The Resilient Workforce

By Sonya Atkins-Goodman, Founder & President In the modern workplace, staying ahead of trends is crucial for businesses to thrive. One undeniable truth is that the demand for hiring will persist, as the steady rate of quitting among employees remains status quo....

Failure to Plan Can “Rock You Like a Hurricane”

Why having an Inclement Weather Plan and Policy can keep you from being blown away by bad business practices. By Sonya Atkins-Goodman, FounderWhen bad weather disrupts business operations, it can be difficult to figure out how to respond in a timely manner. Having an...

AI-Powered HR

Building a Better, More Inclusive Workplace By Sonya Atkins-Goodman, FounderAs the HR profession continues to evolve, many organizations are turning to technology, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), to help them build a workforce that is diverse, equitable, and...

Supporting Caregivers

The Benefits of Flexible Workplace BenefitsBuilding a Better, More Inclusive Workplace By Sonya Atkins-Goodman, FounderThe workplace is rapidly evolving, and companies are now recognizing the need to offer more flexible benefits to their employees. This is especially...