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The Benefits of Flexible Workplace BenefitsBuilding a Better, More Inclusive Workplace

By Sonya Atkins-Goodman, Founder

The workplace is rapidly evolving, and companies are now recognizing the need to offer more flexible benefits to their employees. This is especially true for employees who are also caregivers, as they need to balance their work and home responsibilities and may need more flexibility than their peers. By offering flexible benefits, employers can not only support the needs of their employees who are caregivers, but also increase employee satisfaction and engagement.

For many caregivers, flexibility is essential for maintaining work-life balance. Allowing employees to adjust their work hours or work from home can be a great way to accommodate their personal needs. For example, an employee who needs to take their child to the doctor could start their day later and stay later in the evening to make up for the lost hours. Flexible hours also allow employees to take on more responsibility and help them manage their own individual schedules.

Flexible benefits can also help to reduce employee stress. Caregivers often struggle with the feeling of being pulled in multiple directions and can become overwhelmed. Allowing employees to have the freedom to adjust their work schedule and create a more manageable balance between their professional and personal lives can help reduce stress and improve employee morale.

In addition to providing benefits that offer flexibility, employers can also provide other resources to help employees who are caregivers. Programs such as caregiver support groups, discounts on childcare services, and access to counseling services can be beneficial for employees who have a lot of caregiving responsibilities. By offering flexible benefits and other resources to their employees who are caregivers, employers can show their support and appreciation, which can lead to greater engagement and productivity in the workplace.

The current observation in the workplace is that many caregivers are members of the millennial and Gen Z generations, who are often at the greatest risk of being “sandwiched” between professional life and caring for their family members. As such, employers need to recognize the importance of offering benefits that promote flexibility in the workplace for these employees. As we see the longevity of careers for the Boomer generation as well, they are often at risk of also being “sandwiched” between professional life and caring for family members. 

The important thing to remember is that by providing benefits that offer flexibility, employers can show their support for their employees who are caregivers if it is fair, compliant, and consistent as a best practice. Not only does this help caregivers to manage their personal and professional responsibilities, but it can also provide a sense of security and appreciation that can boost employee morale and job satisfaction.